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Reading and Literacy

What is involved in reading? To begin with, a child cannot read without having some kind of mastery of their mother tongue or language. As the child develops language in the home, playground, or daycare, they notice that communication is valuable to obtain for their basic needs. The child develops awareness and the value of print. They grow curiosity for print and their meaning while developing vocabulary and language use word by word, phrase by phrase, until learning to speak in short complete sentences or ideas. This behavior gets reinforced in their environment. In this stage, the caregiver or parent becomes the ultimate teacher and model. Here is where the child develops a love for learning and listening to stories read aloud and storytelling. At the same time, the child’s brain plasticity accommodates that knowledge to be used later as he formulates sentences on his own. As caregivers and parents become aware of this process and get training, intentional and organized teaching becomes the atomic bomb to trigger the magical work of reading!


Multilingual Education

Students discover how to decode words and begin to read, word walls become an essential part of reading and writing. Using those words repeatedly, students master connecting sounds with the letter name and, by doing so, spell words. It is important to mention that the phonological awareness a student acquires in their 1st language transfers to the second language. Even though the rules of grammar and word formation follow a different set of rules, the student learns the value of knowing letter sounds and letter names as the key to decoding new words. Students will venture to decode unknown words because their motivation is increasing in knowing that reading is of great value to them

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