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Lovescaping & Literacy Early Learning Workbook

Amor Y Alfabetización Libro de Trabajo (para niños de 3 a 5 años)

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Phonetic Mat


The Phonetic Mat (or Tapete Fonético) is a research-based educational tool designed to help pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students master crucial early literacy skills. Perfect for ESL, bilingual, or monolingual students, this innovative resource supports phonological and phonemic awareness, concepts of print, alphabet knowledge, vocabulary, sight words, and fine motor skills. Ideal for small-group instruction or for students struggling with early reading readiness, it also serves as an effective formative assessment tool.

Students engage with the Phonetic Mat by connecting letter sounds, letter names, and objects through songs, which helps them learn alphabetical order, swiping left to right, fine motor skills, upper- and lower-case matching, letter formation, onset and rhyme, among other skills. This comprehensive approach ensures that young learners develop a strong foundation in reading and writing, setting them up for future academic success.

The Phonetic Mat or Tapete Fonético is a research-based educational tool designed to ensure early childhood ESL, bilingual, or monolingual students in pre-kinder and kindergarten master phonological and phonemic awareness, concepts of print, alphabet knowledge, vocabulary, sight words, and fine motor skills. It is ideal to use in small-group instruction centers, or with other students who struggle with these early reading readiness skills. It can also be used as a formative way of assessment. The student connects the letter sound, letter name, and an object using a song. Students learn alphabetical order, swiping left to right, fine motor skills, upper- and lower-case matching, letter formation, onset and rhyme, and fine motor skills among others.

The package consists of:


Syllable City


  1. Change the text for Syllable City product description: Unlock the power of reading and spelling with our comprehensive Six Syllable Types Learning Tool. This essential educational resource is designed to enhance literacy skills in students by providing a systematic approach to decoding and pronunciation. Here’s what makes it indispensable:
    • Decoding Mastery: Break down and decode unfamiliar words with ease using the six syllable types, each with specific vowel sound rules for accurate pronunciation.
    • Spelling Precision: Improve spelling accuracy by understanding the patterns and rules governing word construction.
    • Fluency Boost: Enhance reading fluency, allowing students to focus on comprehension rather than struggling with individual words.
    • Vocabulary Expansion: Tackle longer and more complex words confidently, expanding vocabulary and understanding sophisticated texts.
    • Foundational Literacy: Build strong foundational literacy skills, crucial for all students, including those with dyslexia and reading difficulties.
    • Consistent Learning Framework: Provide a reliable and systematic strategy for tackling new words, making learning more manageable and effective.
    The six syllable types covered include:
    1. Closed Syllable: Short vowel sound (e.g., cat, sit).
    2. Open Syllable: Long vowel sound (e.g., he, me).
    3. Vowel-Consonant-e (Magic e): Long vowel sound (e.g., cake, bike).
    4. Vowel Team: Two vowels make one sound (e.g., boat, team).
    5. R-Controlled: Vowel followed by ‘r’ changes sound (e.g., car, bird).
    6. Consonant-le: Consonant followed by ‘le’ (e.g., table, handle).
    Equip your students with the skills they need for lifelong literacy success with our Six Syllable Types Learning Tool. Perfect for classrooms, homeschooling, and individual tutoring sessions.

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Tapete fonético

(Para niños de 3-7 años de edad en inglés y español)

El tapete fonetico es una herramienta educativa basada en la investigación diseñada para ayudar a los estudiantes de ESL, bilingües o monolingües de la primera infancia en prekínder y kínder a dominar la conciencia fonológica y fonológica, los conceptos de letra impresa, el conocimiento de las letras, el vocabulario y las habilidades motoras finas. Esta herramienta está diseñada para usarse en la instrucción de grupos pequeños, centros o con estudiantes de otros grados que necesitan dominar estas habilidades. También se puede utilizar como una forma formativa de evaluación. A medida que el estudiante conecta el sonido de la letra con el nombre mediante el uso de una canción, los estudiantes practican los nombres de las letras, deslizar el dedo de izquierda a derecha, habilidades motoras finas, combinación de mayúsculas y minúsculas, formación de letras y comienzo y rima, entre otras habilidades. .

El paquete consiste de:

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